1. Littering.
2. Loitering in corridors, offices, and classrooms without classes and other unauthorized areas.
3. Removing, posting and tampering of materials without prior notice or permission from the school authorities.
4. Unauthorized use of any electrical outlets in school.
5. Playing and making unnecessary noise along the corridor and inside the classroom.
6. Wearing improper or incomplete school uniform.
7. Misbehaving during the flag ceremony, classroom discussion, in and off campus activities like contest/tournaments/competitions.
8. Using cellular phones during class.

Procedure or actions to be taken in case of Minor Offenses

1. Anyone who witnesses or observes an incident shall file a written report.
2. Inform the Discipline Officer of the untoward incident right away(preferably within three days form the commission or discovery of offense).
3. The Discipline Officer shall furnish a copy of the incident report to the parents of the student involved.
4. The student named in the incident report will be accompanied by a teacher/adviser and shall be given a chance to explain his/her side. This shall be done within three (3) school days upon the receipt of the report.
5.The Discipline Officer imposes the appropriate sanction depending on the result of investigation/evaluation of the incident.
6. First and Second offenses: The Discipline Officer shall record the action taken and informs the parents.
7. Third and multiple offenses: The parents will be called for a conference.
8.The Discipline Officer and Guidance Counselor keeps the record of the incident report.

Sanctions for Minor Offenses

First offense
- Oral reprimand
- Confiscation/ restitution in appropriate cases
- Written apology

Second and Third Offense
- Written reprimand, copy furnished the parents through the Guidance Office
- Confiscation/ restitution in appropriate cases 
- Writing of apology/ reflection/ realization from the incident 
- Rendition of special tasks from 1-3 days


1. Bullying.

Bullying is a kind of action that includes aggressive or negative gestures, written, verbal or physical acts that place another student in reasonable fear or harm to his person or property, or that has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the schools educational missions or the education of any student. Bullying most often occur when student asserts physical or psychological power over, or is cruel to another student. Such behavior may include but is not limited to:

  • pushing

  • hitting

  • threatening

  • name-calling

  • other physical or verbal conduct of a belittling or browbeating nature

The parents of any erring student found guilty of bullying will be notified and the erring student will be referred to the Guidance Counselor to determine the appropriate intervention strategy that should be taken to address the behavior.

2. Lack of Academic Integrity

  • Cheating

  • » Looking at another students’ work and sharing answers with others during examinations.

    » Copying another student’s work or any act designed to give unfair or undue academic advantage to the student.

  • Collusion

  • Falsifying records/tampering of grades.

  • Lying

  • Plagiarism (including electronic), alteration of material, forgery, providing or using external assistance relating to an examination, test, quiz or daily assignments without the expressed permission of the teacher.

  • Direct or indirect participation in leakage of test questions.

  • Submission of requirements done by another person.

3. Unauthorized use of the Bristol Integrated School’s seal/logo.

4. Disrespect for all school staff/employees and visitors.

5. Fighting on campus and off campus. 

6. Possession of deadly weapons. 

7. Use of abusive or obscene language verbally or in written form. 

8. Smoking. 

9. Gambling.

10. Possession, distribution or use of unauthorized drugs or substances.

11. Possession or distribution of pornographic materials including materials accessed through the Internet. 

12. Indecent behaviors or public display of affection, which includes but not limited to kissing, petting, and other similar acts.

  13. Stealing.

14. Setting of explosives or firecrackers inside the school premise.

15. Vandalism and deliberately causing damage to school properties.

  16. Possession and drinking of alcoholic beverages. 

17. Leaving the school premise without permission.

18. Any form of sexual harassment in written, verbal or through actions.

  19. Hacking of computer system in school. 

20. Any offenses that is resulting to similar moral and material damages.

Procedure or actions to be taken in case of Major Offenses

1. Filing of the Incident Report. Anyone who witnesses or discovers the commission of a major offense shall file an Incident Report before the Discipline Officer preferably within three (3) school days from the commission or discovery of the offense. An investigation of the case will follow after the filing.

The Incident Report shall contain the following information:

a. Date of filing and nature of the offense

b. Date and place where the offense was committed

c. Name (s) of the suspect (s) and witness (es)

d. Name of the Complainant

The Discipline Officer shall:

a. Notify students involved and their parent(s) or guardian, witnesses, their teachers and advisers of the date and place of the preliminary inquiry.

b. Conduct the Preliminary Inquiry within ten (10) school days from receipt of the Incidental Report.

2. Preliminary Inquiry

The Disciplinary Officer shall conduct the preliminary inquiry in the presence of the parent(s) or guardian of the student involved to determine if there is probable cause as to warrant the filling of a discipline case. The Discipline Officer takes either one of the following actions within three school days from the preliminary inquiry:

a. If there is a probable cause and there is no admission, refers the case to the Discipline Committee.

b. If there is admission, calls for a conference with the parents. Upon acceptance of the validity of the admission by the parents, refers the case to the Discipline Committee for appropriate sanctions.

c. If there is no probable cause, dismisses the case and submits a report to the School Principal.  The Disciplinary Officer and Guidance Counselor shall keep a record of the Preliminary Inquiry Report, the proceedings officially recorded.

3. Discipline Committee Meeting

After the case is referred to the Discipline Committee (DC), then meets within three school days. The DC , composed of a chairperson and two members who will be drawn from the faculty, shall be constituted by the Principal at the beginning of the school year. A member of the DC shall inhibit himself/herself from the proceedings when the student involved in a discipline case is his/her student or adviser during the current school year or is related to him/her. The Principal shall then designate a replacement upon the recommendation of the Discipline Officer.

  • The Committee shall:

  • a. Notify all parties involved. The noticed to the student involved including witnesses shall include the statement, “You may seek the help of a legal counsel/ lawyer during the meeting or you may waive this right in writing and in the presence of a counsel.” 

    b. Ascertain the facts and hear the evidence of the complainant/accused.

    c. Gather and weigh pieces of evidences presented, both testimonial and documentary. The proceedings shall be taped/recorded. Parents and advisers shall be present during the proceedings.

    d. Recommend sanctions and submit a report of its action to the Principal copy furnished the Discipline Officer, stating clearly and distinctly the facts and the rules on which the sanction is based, within three school days from its last meeting.


    The Discipline Officer and Guidance Counselor shall keep a record of the Discipline Committee Report.

    4. President’s Council Meeting

    In this meeting, the President’s Council performs the following functions:

    a. Review the decision of the Discipline Committee

    b. Impose the appropriate sanctions. 

    When the penalty imposed is suspension, the decision of the President Council is final. However, if the sanction is termination of scholarship or expulsion the recommendation is elevated to the Board of Trustees.

    The Principal, through the Discipline Officer informs the student, his/her parents/guardian, advisers, subject teacher of the sanctions by providing each one a copy of the decision at least three days before the sanction is served.

    The Principal, through the Discipline Officer informs the homeroom adviser and the teachers concerned of the dates of suspension of a student. The Principal oversees the implementation of the decision.

    5. Board of Trustees (BOT) Meeting

    The Board of Trustees (BOT) reviews the decision of the President’s Council where the sanction imposed is termination of scholarship or expulsion. Such power to review may be delegated by the BOT to the President’s Council.

    The Principal, through the Discipline Officer disseminates the BOT decision to all the parties concerned. The Principal oversees the implementation of the decision.

    Sanctions for Major Offense

    The range of sanctions which shall be imposed, depending upon the mitigating and aggravating factors, include the following:

    Principal Sanctions:

    1. Written reprimand, or

    2. Suspension (not exceeding 5 days) and rendition of task, or a suspension in an unexcused absence.

    3. Expulsion from the school

    4. Termination of scholarship( if applicable)

    Accessory Sanctions:
    1. Character rating of “Needs Improvement” shall be given during the quarter when the offense was committed/resolved

    2. Rendition of special task not exceeding 10 days shall be imposed.

    3. Restitution in appropriate cases

    4. Confiscation of item involved in appropriate cases

    The faculty and staff confiscating materials/equipment shall issue a receipt. Confiscated materials shall be deposited at the Office of the Principal and shall be disposed as follows:

      a. Cards and toy guns shall be returned to the owners at the end of the school year.

      b. Cigarettes and pornographic materials shall be burned.

      c. Materials like knives, knuckles, bladed and pointed instruments shall be returned to the parents.

      d. Prohibited materials like drugs and guns shall be turned over to appropriate government authorities.

    A principal sanction may be imposed with or without accessory sanctions. Non-graduating students involved in disciplinary cases shall be placed under PROBATION based on the circumstances of each case and/or number of offenses committed.

    Where suspension is no longer possible as in the case of graduating students, the sanction of rendition of special tasks shall be imposed.

    Disciplinary cases involving graduating students who are suspected or committed a major offense shall be resolved before the graduation. Students with unresolved cases will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony, non-marching shall be viewed as a part of due process while the case proceedings are on- going.

    Grounds for Disciplinary Actions

    The grounds for disciplinary action apply whenever a student’s conduct is reasonably related to school or school activities, including, but not limited to:

    • On school grounds before, during, or after school hours.

    • Off school grounds at a school-sponsored activity, or event, or any activity or event which hears a reasonable relationship to school.

    • Travelling to or from school or a school activity, function or event

    • At any place where misconduct has a reasonable relationship to school.