It is extremely important that emergency information card be updated and accurate. Please make sure to notify the office immediately whenever you change addresses, phone numbers, place of employment, and other relevant information.


For an orderly flow of traffic, all parents who are dropping off or picking up students need to use the drop off/pick up area/zone. No vehicles are allowed to park inside the school without a driver for 10 minutes. Private vehicles and school van/bus service may park in designated parking space and may enter the school gate at the time of drop off/pick up.

During rainy days, you may drop off/pick up student near or at their respective classroom.


We welcome and encourage parents, guardians, and visitors to visit the school. In order to insure a safe learning environment for all our school staff and students the following policies shall be strictly implemented:

  • All parents, guardians and visitors must proceed to the office. If a visitor (including a parent or guardian) is picking up a student prior to the end of the school day, the visitor must sign the student out of the school premise.

  • No visitors shall be allowed to enter the school premise during school hours except for valid reasons. They are required to sign in and secure a visitors ID.

  • Parents, guardian, and visitors are not allowed to enter the classrooms during class hours. Arrangements need to be made with the principal in case of visitation in order to avoid disruption, and to respect the learning environment and maintain proper behavior and decorum.


Students should wear Their ID at all times. “No ID, No Entry” policy is strictly enforced.


Students will be charged the full replacement cost of a lost or damaged library books or equipment.


Students should not bring cellular phones/other electronic gadgets to school unless specially requested by their teacher for classroom instruction. If your child needs to contact you, he/she can use the telephone at the school office. The teachers will confiscate unauthorized items found in student’s possession during school hours and deposited at the office.



Assemblies/programs are held throughout the school year as part of the school’s curriculum. A minimal fee may be charged for some activities.

Field Trips

Field trips will be scheduled at various times throughout the school year as an enrichment experience. Parents will be notified of the dates, times, destinations and costs, if any, of field trips.

These excursions are considered part of the curriculum and all the students are expected to participate.

Make-up work

Students who are absent (excused absence) for an extended period of time will be given an opportunity to make-up for missed lessons and activities. Arrangements can be made through the main office or classroom teacher.


The purpose of homework is to extend or reinforce the school learning so that class time is more productive and enjoyable. Such assignments should meet any of the following goals:

  • Enrichment

  • The application of acquired principles

  • A specific need.

Lost and Found

Clothing and other personal articles of the students should be marked to help identify the items and prevent loss. As the school year progresses, lost and found items increase in number. Students should check the lost and found box periodically to claim their missing/misplaced belongings.

Money, Valuables, and Personal Property

Students are encouraged to leave all their valuables and excess money at home. The school will not be responsible for loss or theft of valuables and money. These include toys, electronic games, and other personal items not related to the educational environment.

Unpaid School Fees

During the course of the school year, some students may incur financial obligations with BIS. Any fees that remain unpaid at the end of the school year may result in the student not receiving their report card. Privileges may also be suspended until the outstanding balance is settled. In addition, we may withhold all records if and when a student transfers to another school. Please pay all unsettled accounts before the last day of school.

Birthday Treats

In case parents would like to bring birthday treats of any kind to school, they are advised to coordinate with the teacher concerned. We want to minimize disruption of your child’s learning activities as much as possible. Birthday celebrations will be allowed only after class.

Drivers & Caregivers

Drivers and caregivers are allowed to stay only at the designated place. We would like to clear the school premises of strangers for security reasons. An ID pass will be issued and is valid for a year of the present school year.